Erin Moody

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Top 10 Benefits Of Living A More Intentional Life

This year I made a huge decision that most people didn’t understand. I chose to leave my high paying corporate job in HR to work in a more flexible environment

I didn’t hate my job and I liked the people I worked with, but I wasn’t happy in the corporate environment. I hated the politics of trying to get promoted and the fact that 20% of people do 80% of the work and don’t get compensated for it unless they play the game. 

For me, it just didn’t match up to the life I wanted to live. 

About the time I made this decision, I stumbled upon this idea of living intentionally. I realized this is what I was doing without realizing it!

What does being intentional mean?

I love how Rebekah Joan describes it, “Basically it’s when a person/group sits down, evaluates their values + passions, and aligns their life to those principles.” Isn’t that amazing? To actually think about what our values are and then do the things that are in line with those values. 

As simple as that sounds, the reality is most of us don’t do that. Maybe we succeed in some areas of our lives but fail to in other areas. 

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get clarity on your values and beliefs. Then, to live more intentionally start making changes to the areas that are out of alignment. For more on how to do that, check out this article on living more intentionally. 

To inspire you to live a more intentional life, I have put together my top 10 benefits!

10 Benefits For Living A More Intentional Life

  1. Simplify your life - There is a correlation with living intentionally and the idea of minimalism. Many people find that when they become more intentional, they are willing to give up things that no longer serve them. In my life, once I learned I wanted to live a freelance life rather than work for a corporation, I realized I didn’t need all the things I previously spent money on. Excessive travel, clothes, and going out have all taken a backseat. 

  2. Feel like you are living your purpose - Determining your values and beliefs is a fantastic way to figure out what your purpose is. It really gets you thinking about what’s important to you. 

  3. Less confusion when making decisions - Once you identify your values and beliefs and commit to living more intentionally, it helps you make decisions easier. You have a guide for the way you want your life to go and standards to assess your decisions. When confronted with a choice, ask yourself, what would align most with who I want to be?

  4. Increase in happiness - Living life in alignment with what you believe will naturally raise your level of happiness. 

  5. Greater success in your career - Clarity with the goals you want to live will help you streamline your career. You will know where you are headed and why. 

  6. More fulfilling relationships - Once you start living more intentionally, you may find that some relationships will change. Some for the better and others may be left behind. Trust that these changes are for the best. 

  7. Gain time - As you become more intentional with your life, you will likely stop doing some activities that no longer align. Use this new-found time for activities that either move you forward towards your goals or provide you joy.

  8. Greater control over your life - You are making decisions for yourself now. You will no longer be living your life based on other people’s goals. 

  9. Strengthening of boundaries - As you start saying no to things that no longer align with your life, you will set boundaries. Be strong and avoid the temptation to slip back into old people-pleasing ways. 

  10. Improvement of sense of self - My favorite part of living intentionally is that I finally feel more connected to my authentic self. Before this, I felt lost, but now I am clear on what I want and what lights me up. 

What are your thoughts on intentional living? Have you made progress on this type of lifestyle? Tell us your wins in the comments!

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