Erin Moody

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Finally Find Balance By Living In The Present Moment

Start living your life in the present instead of focusing on the past and future. When we focus on the past or the future, we are ignoring what’s happening right now.

Learn what you can from the past and move on.

Work towards the goals you have for yourself but don’t become overly concerned with it.

Live in the present moment and be happy with where you are while working on where you want to be. Start living your life in the present instead of focusing on the past and future. When we focus on the past or the future, we are ignoring what’s happening right now.

Learn what you can from the past and move on.

Work towards the goals you have for yourself but don’t become overly concerned with it.

Live in the present moment and be happy with where you are while working on where you want to be.

Find Balance

Finding balance in your life is the best way to achieve peace. As someone with a bit of an obsessive personality, I tend to gravitate towards one extreme to the other.

What I’ve found is that it’s unsustainable.

Instead, when you recognize you are out of balance try to take actions to move you back to the middle.

For example, if you’ve noticed you gained weight over the pandemic, avoid the idea that you need to go on a crash diet. Instead, identify a bad habit you want to change.

If you notice you are watching too much TV, instead of saying you won’t watch it ever, start a new hobby in the evening.

Gradually make changes in small habits to find where your sense of balance is for this stage in your life.

Show up intentionally, making decisions to support the direction you want your life to head. To create the life you want you need to consciously choose actions that will get you there.

Every choice you make, whether conscious or unconsciously, will move you closer or further away from your goals.

You can accomplish anything you set out to do, but you must keep yourself accountable.

Let Go of The Outcome

Celebrate every milestone and trust you are on the right path. You find freedom when you let go of the need to try and control the outcome. Even though we know we can’t predict the future, we spend an exorbitant amount of time worrying about it.

Let go of the need to try and imagine all the outcomes possible.

You have no way of knowing how things will turn out and worrying about it does nothing but cause anxiety.

Focus on your actions today. Do your best and trust that things will work out in the end. Maybe not the way you planned, but maybe even better.

You can go through life worrying about what will happen next or look forward to all the possibilities. Worrying about the changes in your life does nothing to affect the outcome.

Change is constant and unavoidable. And it’s not a bad thing.

The unknown can cause us to get uncomfortable but try to remember all the great things that have come about because of change.

Instead of overthinking and living in anxiety, try to be curious about what will happen!

Expect Success

Expect greatness and it will come, expect failure and it will be the same. Your mindset plays a huge role in your ability to achieve big goals.

If you don’t believe you can succeed, the odds are not in your favor.

When challenges come up, you’ll be able to talk yourself into quitting since you never thought it would happen anyway.

Expect everything to work out and you’ll be looking for solutions to those challenges. Every choice you make matters. Every decision you make throughout your day builds your reality.

Take accountability for life a become more intentional with those choices.

It’s not always going to be easy, but ultimately you are the one in control of what you choose to do. Never drift through life, make active decisions throughout your day to build the life you want.Are you taking an active role in your life or just drifting with whatever happens?

Much of our unhappiness can be attributed to the habit of doing what we’ve always done and then being unhappy with the outcome.

Start consciously choosing the actions you take every moment to build a life you love.

If you aren’t satisfied with an aspect of your life, you can start making choices to change it today.

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