Erin Moody

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Have The Confidence To Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone

The only way to grow is to move out of your comfort zone. The more you do it, the more confident you will be making important changes.

Never regret taking action. When you step out of your comfort zone and start taking action to grow you are moving in the right direction.

There will be challenges along your journey, but you can work through them.

Avoid the temptation of giving up on your dreams because of those challenges. You have the ability to make your dreams come true.

Growth Requires Discomfort

To grow, you have to get out of your comfort zone. You’re not going to achieve your dreams by playing it safe. 

I was the queen of playing it safe. I never went after anything unless I felt like I would be the best. Unfortunately, it lead to an unfulfilled existence. I was happy but knew there could be more.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. You may not win at everything, but will help you understand where you should go next.

Growth takes courage and confidence, I believe you have what it takes to have both. Start living your new life today. 

You are the author of your story, make it a bestseller. 

While you can’t control everything that happens, you can control your reaction. When challenges arise, do you give up easily or use them as an opportunity for learning?

Your mindset and determination will shape the way your life unfolds. Those with the best luck are the ones who take action.

If you were writing your story, what would happen next?

Be Open To All Possibilities

We can have a tendency to shoot down our ideas by saying things like “that will never happen” or “I have to be realistic”.

Those are dream killer phrases. Instead of preventing yourself from succeeding, give it a shot and see what happens. There’s no reason you can’t realize your dreams.

Every moment is an opportunity to change your life. 

Making changes in your life takes guts. It’s easier to stay in your comfort zone, letting life happen to you.

Easier but not satisfying.

Growing is a process and at times pretty uncomfortable. In the long run though, you will be living a life that lights you up and gives you a sense of purpose.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing people going after their goals and dreams.

Allow yourself to dream of the best possible outcome and watch it come true. 

When you allow yourself to be optimistic in any situation, you open your mind to think of creative possibilities to achieve amazing things.

Avoid going down the worst-case scenario way of thinking. It brings you down and invites anxiety in.

Do whatever it takes to remove negativity from your life.

Turn off the news, change the subject when gossip comes around, end relationships with toxic people.

I used to be the most pessimistic person. After changing my mindset and what external influences I allow, I am a completely different person.

I am so grateful I did the work to make these changes and you will be too!

Move From Dreamer To Action Taker

I spent years dreaming of how to leave corporate America but not taking any real action.

It feels safe to dream but avoid the steps that will actually move you closer.

Think about what you truly want and prioritize the actions you can take now to get you there.

The more action you take, the more confidence you will have moving forward. Great achievements can be yours. I want you to know that you can achieve anything you want in life. It will take hard work and a lot of patience, but it’s possible.

Set a goal for where you want to be 5 years from now and start taking action today.

Whatever you think you can accomplish is your reality. 

Start living your new life today. 

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