Erin Moody

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How To Go After Your Goals And Live Your Passion

We all have unique gifts to bring to the world. What are the traits that come naturally to you?

Maybe you are empathetic.

Maybe you are a great writer.

Maybe you are easy to talk to.

Maybe you are great with numbers.

Think about the things that make you unique. Those are your gifts to bring the world. How often are you able to use them in your everyday?

Fight the urge to stay comfortable. There’s no growth there. The only way to grow is to change. To do that, you have to move out of your comfort zone.

Start taking actions that you’ve never done before to move you closer to the version of yourself you want to be.

Think about what the new version of yourself would do.

It’s going to feel vulnerable at first, but the more you choose to go for it, the more confident you will become.

Find Your Authentic Self

It’s time to embrace who you are and what you can accomplish. There’s so much you can accomplish if you stop playing small and embrace all your unique gifts.

What would you do if you were confident you would succeed?

The only way you’ll have a chance is if you actually try.

If you are having a ton of anxiety, start with very small actions to build your confidence. You don’t even have to tell anyone.

Remember that consistency will pay off.

Pay attention to those whispers telling you what you could do.

Maybe you want to write a book, get a new degree, or take on a new position.

It’s natural to feel some anxiety at the thought of a major change.

The more action you take, the more confidence you will gain.

What are you being inspired to do today?


When opportunities become available, don’t be afraid to take them. New opportunities can be exciting but also anxiety-producing. It brings along change, which moves us out of our comfort zone.

When you are presented with new opportunities, decide if they align with your long-term goals. If they do, then go for it! Try not to overthink the outcome.

When you focus on learning, there is no failure.

Make today the day you finally take action on your dreams. A new week means a new opportunity. Define your intention for the week and refer back to it every few hours in the day.

When you focus on what you want to accomplish, it makes achieving your goals much more manageable.

This way, when things pop up unrelated to your intention, you can say no.

My intention for the week is to work on the workshop I am hosting to help people find their passion!

Some days are going to be more productive than others. But if you have a continual focus on growth, you are always moving forward.

Always have an eye on your overall progress.

One week may have massive growth, while another has minimal. The key is you are overall moving forward. It's not going to happen overnight. Keep up the positive mindset, and know you will succeed if you keep inching forward.


Challenges will come up along your journey, but never give up.

You can do whatever you are dreaming of! Keep going no matter what.

Take back the wheel and design a life you want to wake up to. You are in control of the overall direction of your life.

While it’s impossible to control everything that happens, your actions and reactions make a huge difference.

Are you coasting and letting life happen to you? Take back the wheel and change direction.

You can have the life you want with clear and intentional action on a consistent basis.

Where will you take your life starting today?

One step at a time, you’ll get there. When you have a desire to change something about your life, it can get frustrating with how slow the process can seem.

Focus on making progress every single day. Some days with be more productive than others, but that’s ok.

Stay committed to improving and moving in the right direction. You’ll get there!

You are worthy of achieving your goals. Believe that you can.

A big hurdle for many people when deciding to go after their goals is that they don't think they are worthy of achieving them.

Instead of telling yourself you could never do what you want to do, ask -- why not me?

You are just as worthy as the person you are idolizing. They are just ahead of you on the journey. They believed they could. Then they did the work to get there.

Now you can too!

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