Erin Moody

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How To Start Living A Life You Love

Think about your current life. What are you spending your time on? How does it make you feel? If your answers aren’t bringing you excitement, it may be time for a change. This can be scary for some people. When I mention change, I am sure some of you freaked out a little. 

Pinpoint The Change

It’s essential to think about where you may need to make some changes. You may just need to add in some time to do more of what you love. A new job could excite you. Or perhaps you need a considerable overhaul. 

Make a list of the different areas of your life and assess what you like and dislike about each. Some ideas for categories are work, friends, family, health, etc. 

I encourage you to do what you love. When you focus on doing the things you enjoy doing, there is no Monday morning dread.

Get clear on what you want to bring more of in your life and what you would like less of. Then work on a plan to start to make that happen.

You have the power to change your life to one where you love what you do, whatever that is.

Creatively Brainstorm Ideas

Now that you see the areas that aren’t living up to your expectations, it’s time to start making some changes. 

The only person who knows what will make you happy is you.

Listen to your heart and let it lead you to the best possible outcome. That little voice in your head is incredible. It’s telling you how to make choices that will lead you to a life you love.

If an idea won’t leave you alone, it’s a sign that you need to give it a try.

It won’t turn out exactly as you planned, but it will lead you to where you are meant to be.

Make today the day you say yes to what your heart is telling you.

Get creative with how you design your life. You aren’t required to follow a specific plan. Dream up what you desire and make it happen. 

We are taught to think we have to follow a specific plan in life by our environment growing up.

I encourage you to step away from the “right way” to do things and think about what you actually want.

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard someone say, well, I really wanted to be xyz, but my parents didn’t think it was practical.

Understand that the people close to us want the best for us, but they aren’t you. It’s impossible for them to know whether you will be happier as an artist or a mortgage loan officer. It’s also impossible for them to know how successful you will be.

Listen to yourself.

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Align Your Actions With Your Goals

To accomplish massive goals, you have to take action every day consistently.

Over time, that consistency will pay off.

Make a routine for yourself that you follow every single day. It will help you take action on the days you just aren’t feeling it.

Don’t worry if it feels like you aren’t making progress at first.

The only way to fail is by giving up. If you commit to aligning your actions to your goals, you will see success.

Be patient and stick to the journey.

Start taking actions every day to move you closer to the version of yourself you are meant to be.

Consciously decide what you want to get done today instead of letting life happen to you.

You’ll end the day feeling accomplished and on track to designing a life you love.

Your Dreams Are Not Impossible

My assignment for you today is to daydream about your future.

Who do you want to be?

Where do you want to live?

What do you want to be doing?

Avoid holding yourself back with negative beliefs. You can do anything! Go for it. You are free to choose the life you want to live. Make the choice to change if things aren’t working for you. 

You know that question “Where do you want to be in five years?” Have you thought about your answer to that lately?

Who do you want to be? What can you do today to put you on the path to becoming that version of yourself?

Make a plan and start taking action. You have the power to make choices that will move you closer to that reality.

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