Erin Moody

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Make Happiness A Priority For An Amazing Life

Make your happiness a priority today. Do the things you love most and spend time with your favorite people.

Never feel guilty for enjoying yourself. If there’s anything that can’t be put off until tomorrow, knock it out and relax for the rest of your Sunday.

What are you doing today to have fun?

It’s your choice what kind of day it’s going to be. Decide and make it happen!

When you look for things to make you happy, you find them. The secret to loving your life is to fill it with moments that lift you up.

Spend more time doing the activities that bring you joy.

When you prioritize having fun, you are more motivated in every area of your life.

What do you love to spend time on?

Live, Laugh, and Repeat

Find a reason to laugh today. Call a friend, go to eat with someone you love, or watch a comedy special. It’s important to take time to find joy in every day.

What will you do today to find joy? Too often we just go through life jumping from one thing to the next without paying much attention.

Pause and focus on the little moments today. Appreciate everything you have in your life right now.

What are you grateful for today?

What do you want more of in your life?

Find joy in everything you do. 

Feelings lead to thoughts which lead to actions. If you are looking for the bad aspects of a situation, you will find them.

On the other hand, if you look for the positive the same happens.

The more optimistic you are, the more you will be lead to actions that serve you in the future.

Challenges and frustrating circumstances will still come up but if you look for the silver lining you can get through them.

Your positive thoughts will help you find a creative solution.

Finding Your Passion

Focus on your strengths and what makes you happy to lead you to your purpose in life. 

I spent a long time trying to figure out what my purpose is in life. Now I worry less about what career that is and more on the tasks that I excel at and what makes me happy.

I am focused on the journey and everything I get to learn along the way. It’s helpful to let go of the outcome and focus on progress instead.

Have you found your passion?

Follow your heart.

There’s no better indication of what you are meant to do than what your heart is telling you.

Start paying attention to the things you love and bring more of it into your life. If you are unhappy with your current situation, you have the power to change it.

Your life may not change overnight, but you can begin to make choices now that will shape your future.

What’s one thing you can do today to put you on a path in alignment with the version of yourself you want to be?

Forgive Yourself and Celebrate Your Wins

One of the ways we hold ourselves back is by negatively talking to ourselves about how long it’s taking. Or maybe regretting that we didn’t start sooner or make different choices. 

When past mistakes come up for you, acknowledge your feelings and decide what you can learn from them. Once you have the lesson, forgive yourself and move on. 

Dwelling on what could have been doesn’t do anything for your current or future situation. Moving on from these negative thought patterns will open you up to new experiences. 

Now is the perfect time to do what you’ve always dreamed of. 

If you could do anything you wanted to in life what would that be?

What’s stopping you from making it a reality?

Take a chance and see what happens.

The actions you take over time will determine your reality. Make sure it’s the reality you want to live.

Celebrate every win along the journey.

Every time you make progress toward your goals, it’s important to stop and acknowledge your win.

I used to move from one accomplishment to the next without taking any time to be happy about it. It lead to dissatisfaction and nothing was enough.

While that line of thinking does lead to success from the outside, what’s the point of it if you aren’t enjoying your life?

What wins are you celebrating this week?

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