Erin Moody

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Show Up, Listen and Embrace Opportunities To Create A Meaningful Life

The most important person to love is yourself. Do you believe in your abilities? Do you congratulate yourself on a good job?

If not, it's time to make some changes. Decide whether you need to do better or if your own expectations are too high. My guess is it's the latter.

Remember that change doesn't happen overnight. Keep working on yourself always.

Start your day with a positive mindset. When you believe good things will happen, you’ll be proven right.

Show Up and Work 

Show up for the life you were meant to have. It’s time to start living the life you were meant for.

You are the author of your story. Decide how you want the next chapter to be.

Even if it seems impossible now, get started anyway. The challenges will be worth it in the end.

What are you doing today to make your dream life a reality?

Get excited about the opportunities coming your way! When you start taking action on a new path, opportunities begin to come into your life.

Things won’t get better if you don’t change anything.

Decide what direction you want your life to take and then take consistent action to move you closer every day.

What are you doing today to change your life for the better?

Identify the things you want in life and take action to make them a reality. When you are clear on how you want your life to look, it’s easier to make it happen.

Think about everything you would love to bring into your life. The career, the relationship, the home, and then make a plan.

It won’t happen overnight, but with direction and persistence, you can make it a reality.

Listen To Your Own Voice

It’s great to listen to the advice of others, but the decision has to be yours. The weekend of me writing this post, my mom and I took my daughter to tour two different colleges. She asked my opinion on which one she should choose.

I told her that she needed to choose the school that she likes the best. I gave her my opinion but stressed that the school I would choose would be based on the things I like.

Sometimes people get upset if you don’t take their advice. Remember that reaction has to do with them, not you.

I love hearing what other people think, but ultimately I have to make decisions based on my wants and needs to be happy.

Sometimes you just need to trust you are on the right path. When you are making changes to your life, it can cause a lot of uncertainty.

Trust yourself and your decisions. Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t pursue it.

It is up to you to decide how you want your life to look. So many of us get caught up in what we think our life is supposed to look like.

Stay true to what is important to you, and don’t worry about what others think you should be doing.

This week I started working in a contract role with my friend and former manager.

It started out as a way to help her because she had a couple of people quit in the same week, and I had the time to jump in. After getting back into the Talent Acquisition world, it just feels right.

Trust your instincts and go towards what feels right and stay away from what doesn’t.

Sometimes it won’t make sense, but those feelings are there for a reason.

Embrace Opportunities

Sometimes life surprises you with unexpected opportunities. Embrace them. Life is full of surprises. You may set off on one path only for it to lead you to a new and better opportunity.

Be open to changes that can improve your life.

When you are considering an opportunity, focus on what you ultimately want your life to look like.

If the option you are considering seems like a fit, go for it!

You are so talented. Keep going and have faith in yourself. It can be hard to recognize how good we are at some things.

When people tell you that you are great at something, listen. Avoid that voice telling you that they are wrong.

You are more talented than you know. Embrace what you are good at and what you enjoy.

Never let anyone tell you that your goals are impossible. You can do whatever you are dreaming of for your life.

When you tell people your big plans, you might not always get the reaction you are hoping for.

Remember that you are the only one who determines your future.

The people who truly want the best for you will come around when they see your determination. Those who don’t aren’t meant for you.

See this gallery in the original post