Stop Chasing After Other People's Dreams: How to Find Out What You Truly Want

Discovery what you are meant to do

Are you tired of chasing after other people's dreams? Wanting what your parents want for you, feeling like you need to comply with societal norms and expectations, or maybe just following a box-ticking approach - do this job, live in this neighborhood, buy whatever the latest must-have item is... 

It might feel good for a while, but none of those things will ever bring true fulfillment. If you're looking for more than that and feel like there should be something else out there - some deeper purpose in life – then this post is made especially for millennials like yourself who aren't completely convinced that the path their on is the one that makes the most sense for them.

What is the Difference Between Chasing Someone Else’s Dream and Pursuing Your Own Goals

When people take on another person's goals, they often engage in people-pleasing behavior to make them happy. Meanwhile, when people pursue their authentic goals, they affirm their own values and beliefs. 

The difference between these two behaviors is rooted in personal psychology. Specifically, people pleasing, which is driven primarily by external validation, whereas embracing one’s own ambitions is an act of self-care that empowers people to reach their full potential.

Knowing what sets these two behaviors apart is the first step towards living an authentic life and achieving real success.

Why Do People Follow Other People’s Dreams Instead of Theirs

People pleasing isn't just a buzz phrase or a pro tip - it's embedded into our psyche, with many people feeling immense guilt when going against expectations. 

Whether it's family members or society, people have been conditioned over time to choose the path of least resistance and succumb to someone else's vision for their life. Many people find it easier to forget about their own dreams and instead live life as a backdrop for others to shine on. 

It’s not always easy, but it is possible for people to break free from this pattern and start living their lives according to who they want to be and what they want out of life.

The first step is recognizing that you aren’t being true to what you want. Then you have to figure out what it is you actually want!

How to Analyze Your Values and Priorities in Life

Everything you do in life is a reflection of your values and priorities. Knowing what’s important to you can help steer the course of your life, but for many, figuring out their own values and goals can be difficult. It's easy to give in to the pressure of society and fulfill someone else’s version of success, but before you take that path, make sure it’s the one you want. 

A great way to start is by reflecting on what brings meaning to your life, like spending time with friends and family, developing a hobby or skill, traveling the world, and learning about new cultures - all of which will help shape who you are and reach your true potential. 

Identifying and pursuing our individual dreams won’t always be easy; however, it’s worth the effort because, at the end of the day, satisfaction will come when we achieve our own definition of success.

Tips for Establishing Personal Boundaries and Setting Goals

How hard is it to figure out what you want in life? 

Very, if you’re anything like me. But setting personal boundaries and forming your goals can be the first step to discovering who you are. It’s worth taking a few moments to jot down some ideas about your boundaries and goals. 

For more, check out - How To Free Yourself From Other People's Opinions

Best of all, once you know your limits and set your objectives, you no longer need follow anyone else’s agenda – you create your own!

Ways to Create a Support System That Helps You Reach Your Goals

Having the courage to take action and do your own thing can be tough, but having a support system for when you're overwhelmed can make all the difference. 

We are social creatures, and it's important to create an atmosphere of inspiration and encouragement if you want to reach your goals. Try leaning on loved ones; find peers in relevant industries who will offer useful insight and guidance; and, depending on the goal, consider hiring a mentor or coach—a little professional help can go a long way. 

These factors are key elements while creating an effective support system —with them in place. You'll soon feel like no dream is too big for you.

Understanding Why It Is Important to Live According to Your Values and Goals

Living according to someone else's goals and values can feel safe and comfortable, but it also keeps us from truly discovering what we want for our own lives. 

Taking stock of our personal dreams, wants, and values is important, as this foundation will enable us to make thoughtful decisions and design a life that brings us joy and fulfillment. 

Stepping away from the status quo and the chorus of outside voices telling us how we should live is no easy task, but recognizing that life can be lived in an infinite number of ways opens up a world of possibilities--and makes it easier to uncover what we truly wish for ourselves.

At the end of the day, it’s important to focus on yourself. Following your dreams and living according to your values is the only way to live a life that you’re truly passionate about and happy about. People who don’t take control of their goals often don't know where they're going or what will happen. 

No one should have to depend on others for opportunities, and it’s up to us to find our own paths. Recognizing what we want and our priorities in life helps build fulfillment, motivation, and clarity. Setting boundaries, creating a support system, analyzing our values, and having determination are all part of living according to your dreams. 

If any of this resonates with you and you want more insights sent directly to your inbox, join my email list today!

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