Erin Moody

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Three Of My Favorite Ways The Choices You Make Determine Your Reality

The Choices You Make Determine Your Reality

My mom always taught me the idea of “life choices”. It was a cautionary tale related to the questionable choices her family members made over my childhood. It really stuck with me because I saw the outcome, which was nowhere near where I wanted my life to be. 

The choices we make every day shape the reality of our lives. Every choice won’t have the same impact, but they add up. If you don’t have a goal of where you are heading, you may end up where you don’t want to be. 

Do you have a personal mission statement? It doesn’t need to be anything formal, but do you have a set of values and goals you strive for?

Living intentionally and knowing what you stand for will help you lead a more authentic life.

My intention is to inspire people to make positive changes in their lives to live a life they truly love.

What’s yours?

Build Your Life On Your Own Terms

Are you living life according to what you want? Many of us do what our friends, family, or society encourage and expect us to do.

Get real with yourself and decide what it is that you are passionate about. It’s never too late to make a change.

What is holding you back from living the life you want? Take some time today to get clear on what's holding you back from going after your dreams. Work on those limitations to move past them and start taking action!

Start working on the new version of yourself today.

There’s no better time than today to make the changes to your life you’ve been considering.

Make the decision to improve, set small goals for the week, and take action.

It doesn’t need to be a major earth-shattering change either. Small improvements to your life add up over time.

What will you do today to start shaping your future self?

Every choice you make builds your future

Intentional action will make the future what you dream of. Every choice you make will either move you closer to your goals or further from them. You may not feel the impacts immediately but each action adds up over time.

Build habits around thinking about what you want instead of just going through the motions.

What intentional actions are you taking today? The choices you make today, shape what your life looks like tomorrow. You have the power to change your life. The actions you take determine your future, so be intentional.

What are you choosing today? Choose to walk into your ideal future. The actions you consistently take are choices for your future.

Many of us are not very intentional with those actions and it leads to jobs we hate, relationships that aren’t beneficial, and a host of other issues.

Decide the future you want to have and begin aligning your actions with that future in mind.

Before you do something, stop and think - Is this going to help or hinder me from getting to my ideal future?

Focus On The Present

“Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.” Theodore Roosevelt

When you have big goals it can seem like you will never have the resources you need to achieve them. Focus on the present and what you currently have. Maybe you can't do everything right now, but you can do something. Small steps add up over time.

What step are you taking today to move closer to your dreams?

Take time to appreciate what you have in your life now.

When those fearful feelings come up for you, remember that everyone gets them. Those that are successful acknowledge the fear but take action anyway.

You can achieve whatever you are considering doing. I’m so excited to hear what you win at this week!

Authentic change takes time. When you are trying to improve an aspect of your life, it takes time.

You may even have to take a step or two backward in order to ultimately move forward. It is certainly frustrating, but don’t use time as an excuse to give up.

We all know that time will pass anyway. The key to changing and living up to your potential is the ability to power through the uncomfortable moments.

You can do anything you are dreaming of if you commit to change and refuse to give up. What changes are you working on?

Good things are coming. When you believe good things are coming your way, you will see them materialize.

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