How To Be Authentically You To Love Your Life


What does it mean to be your authentic self? Sometimes we get so caught up in the role society wants us to play we aren’t even sure who we are deep down. Living authentically to me means to live your life honestly and be true to yourself. You never compromise your values for anyone. 


To fit in we are tempted to mold into a version of ourselves that others want us to be.


Show up as your authentic self and honor your values. There’s nothing wrong with you. You and your personality are amazing.


Bring your gifts to every part of your life and watch it become everything you hoped for.


Are you living your truth? 


We all have unique abilities and interests. We were given these gifts to share with the world. Are you using your talents?


I encourage you to think about what you are truly good at and think about how you can do more of that.


Get creative on how you can share your gifts with the world.


Listen to yourself.



 You may need to spend some time reconnecting with yourself to get back in touch with who you are. Here are some questions you can think about to help you.


  • Spend time each day thinking about what you are grateful for. Not what you “should” be grateful for, but the reality.

  • Make a list of the things you love to do

  • Think about your list and how much of your day you actually spend doing those things.

  • How often do you shrink yourself to fit in with the people around you?

  • Do you speak up when someone says something against your beliefs?

  • Do you make excuses for people when they say something you don’t agree with?

  • How inline is your job with what you like to do?

  • How can you start adding in more of what you like to do into your daily life?

  • Do the people you love know how much you care about them?

  • Are you spending time with people you don’t really like because you always have?


There are so many other questions you can ask yourself. These will likely lead you to start thinking about your life and the way it is currently.


Reflecting on your life and the way you spend your time is a great way to decide where you need to make some changes. Don’t feel like you need to tackle all the changes at once though. That is a recipe for anxiety! Start with small changes you can make as quick wins.

Stay committed to making changes gradually and eventually you will be living your truth. 



“Embrace your uniqueness and forge your own path” - Rebecca Campbell


How To Start Living A Life You Love


How To Deal With Negative Thinking When Going After Your Goals