How To Have The Confidence To Succeed


Have the confidence in yourself to never give up on your goals.

I used to believe you had to be born with confidence and I just didn’t have it.

But as I started my personal development journey I learned it was a limiting belief. A story I had been taught and continued telling myself.

You are the author of your story. You get to change the things you aren’t happy with. A little hard work and a big imagination can take you a long way. Never stop dreaming. 

The Courage To Try

I believe we are all capable of being something amazing in this life, but you have to have to courage to try. The number one thing holding most people back from achieving their goals is the lack of action.

No one has ever been successful by dreaming alone.

Have the audacity to believe you can accomplish massive goals and then don’t stop trying until you are satisfied.

What big goal are you working towards?

Decide who you want to be, then start making decisions as if you are already that version of yourself. A theme that keeps coming up in the personal development books I have been reading over the years is that in order to do the things you want to achieve, you have to believe that you can.

Start identifying as the person you want to be and your actions will become easier to align.

If you want to start exercising, say to yourself- I am a runner ( or yogi, crossfitter, etc.)

If a goal is writing a book - I am a writer

When you come up with a choice, ask yourself which action the version of yourself you want to be would take.

Over time, the actions will become easier based on your beliefs.

Let go of the need for validation from others on your ideas. If you want to do something, go for it. Make the decision on your own. I used to never be able to make a decision without seeking validation from everyone close to me.

I couldn’t trust myself to know what was right for me and would end up doing what they recommend.

The problem with that is the only person who knows what will make you happy is you.

Learn to make decisions on your own without the need for someone else’s approval. 

Experience is the best education you will ever receive. Take a chance and start learning. I am a huge formal education advocate. I’m working on a 2nd master’s degree and am always reading a personal development book.

While I am learning through others is a great part of development, nothing can replace experience.

You have to move from learner to doer to apply the knowledge you have gained.

How are you becoming a doer today?

Take Action

Change comes through consistent action. It doesn’t happen overnight. Just keep going. As someone who is sometimes very impatient, I struggle with how long changes can take.

Depending on how big the changes are, the timeframe can be very long.

Do the work anyway.

I can tell you from experience that with every small change you make towards the bigger goal, you will feel better.

You know what you need to do to succeed. Let go of the excuses and get it done. If you are facing a challenge, chances are you already know the answer.

The key to success is actioning the hard stuff.

The reason we don’t do what we know we need to is due to fear. Of the unknown, of failure, or rejection.

But once you start taking action, your confidence will skyrocket. You feel like you are making progress which will ease anxiety.

Decide to take action today instead of playing into your fears. What changes are you working on today?

Imagination Is Everything

You can achieve what you imagine you can. Anything great starts with imaginative thinking.

Before you can accomplish your goals, you need to believe that you can.

Fight the urge to go down the rabbit hole of negative thinking about all the what if’s.

Accept that things may not work out exactly as you planned and do it anyway.

You will learn so much more about what you want in life by going through the journey. Every big invention started with someone’s audacity to think big.

Dream of a life that you would be excited to wake up to and believe it can be reality. Start working every day to move one step closer.

Look for creative solutions that work for you and design a life YOU love. Why not dream big and see what happens?

Growing up a lot of us were taught to “be realistic” with our goals.

Challenge yourself to change that method of thinking and think about who you want to be in your ideal world.

Small thinking is keeping you stuck in your current situation.

What you imagine can become your reality. 


Finally Find Balance By Living In The Present Moment


How To Go After Your Goals, No Matter The Outcome