Decide To Start Working On Your Dreams Today

You are capable of doing amazing things. What will you start working on today? Don’t let anyone talk you out of doing what you are interested in, especially not yourself. We spend so much time talking ourselves out of things. Why do we do that? People before us have done what we want. Why not us?

You can take action today and move one step closer to your future.

I just finished reading The Third Door by Alex Banayan, where he goes on an impossible journey to interview the most successful people in the world to learn their secrets to success. It was so inspiring. 

I have no desire to do what we did, but I saw how he discovered there is another way. He talked to all these amazon people who have achieved various different goals. My takeaway is to think bigger and be willing to do what most others won’t. We have to stop living by these “rules” we have been given and start living the life we want. 

What can you do today to move you closer to your goals? Decide to start today.

Start Your New Life Today

Open the door to your new life. Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way by saying yes to what feels right.

Stepping into the unknown can be terrifying but also exciting.

Instead of focusing on all the potential scary experiences, imagine all the new things you will learn and people you will meet.

What will you say yes to today? You have everything you need to start working on your dreams today.

You will learn what you require to move to the next step.

No one has it all figured out at the first stage, and the first step doesn’t need to be huge.

Start small and continue to build your progress and momentum. Consistency is the key to making things happen.

Take Action On Your Goals

The biggest hurdle to achieving your goals is actually starting on them. If you have been going back and forth on going after a new goal, it’s time to take action.

The only way you can achieve it is to try. Not trying is a 100% no.

It will likely be challenging, but it will also be exciting.

Don’t spend your life on the sidelines because you were too afraid to believe in yourself. If you have been considering making a change, take action today. Changing something in your life can be daunting, especially when it’s something big like your job.

We can get caught up in all the fear-based thinking our minds tend to gravitate towards.

I want you to know that it’s normal to feel scared of making significant changes. But don’t let it hold you back from living a fulfilling life.

If you’ve been thinking of doing something different, give it a try. You can always go back or move on to something else if it doesn’t work out the way you want.

Focus On Happiness

Take the path that makes you feel happiest. The things that make you happy may be very different from others.

It’s essential to set your own goals that resonate with you.

Too many of us live a life focused on what other people want.

Be honest with yourself on how what makes you happy and start making some changes. Focus on what you can do now to improve your life. Instead of spending your time obsessing about what went wrong in the past or what could possibly happen in the future, focus on the present.

Choose actions today that will improve your situation. There is nothing you can do to change what has already occurred.

Be intentional with how you spend your time to shape a life you love.

I genuinely believe you have it in you to achieve whatever you want to achieve. I also want you to know trying and having it not work out the way you thought is still winning. You will have the knowledge that most people don’t. You will also be more in tune with what you want. 

I know from experience. I have quit corporate America twice because I wanted to be an entrepreneur. After my last stint, I finally figured out that I actually took the time to explore, that I am a good fit in corporate but not in what I was doing. I would have never known I wanted to go back to recruiting if I hadn’t taken the leap on what I thought I wanted. 

I also realized I love writing and inspiring people. But I like to do it in my own way, which means I don’t do it for money. What I realized is I need to work in a corporate job to support my blogging habit. That’s ok! It makes me happy, and isn’t happiness the ultimate goal? It is for me. 


How To Go After Your Goals, No Matter The Outcome


Focus On The Present To Live Your Best Life