Focus On The Present To Live Your Best Life


We all grow at our own pace, just keep moving forward.

Don’t worry about how long it’s taking to reach your goals.

We are often pretty off when we estimate how long things will take.

Let go of your timeline and just keep taking steps forward every day. You’ll get there when you are ready.

The only person responsible for your happiness is you. Don’t wait for everything to fall into place before you decide you can be happy.

Change your mindset to appreciate everything excellent in your life while working on anything you want to improve.

Once you start looking for the good, even more, positive things will come into your life. You might even realize you already have everything you need.

Focus For Clarity

When you focus on one thing at a time, things become a lot clearer. I used to strive to be a master multi-tasker. But after my work on self-development over the last few years, I’ve learned multitasking is the best way to lose productivity.

When you focus on the most critical tasks solely, you get them done more quickly and accurately.

Be present in whatever you are doing. If you find the task has no value, either eliminate it or push it to the end of the day.

Try your best every day, and you will achieve outstanding results. When you put your best self forth every day, it’s hard not to achieve your goals.

Some days may be more productive than others, but your progress will add up if you are trying your best.

The reason most people don’t get what they want is because they give up.

If you want it, keep going even if one day or week seems like you aren’t going anywhere.

Your persistence will pay off.

What Can You Do Now

Focus on what you can do now to improve your life. Instead of spending your time obsessing about what went wrong in the past or what could possibly happen in the future, focus on the present.

Choose actions today that will improve your situation.

There is nothing you can do to change what has already occurred.

Be intentional with how you spend your time to shape a life you love. Don’t wait to take action. The only time we are guaranteed is this moment. I am currently re-reading The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle, and it’s reminding me the only time we have is this moment.

We spend so much of our time in our own heads creating future problems.

Focus on today while working towards the future you want tomorrow.

Avoid creating a storyline that talks you out of doing what you are being called to do.

Take action today and see where it leads you.

Your unique gifts are meant to be shared with the world. I believe we all have unique gifts and talents. It could be that you are a great listener, writer, leader or that you can connect with anyone.

Don’t ever discount those gifts. You can use them to help others and ultimately bring yourself happiness.

Lean in to what you are good at instead of trying to mold yourself into something you don’t like.

What are your unique gifts and talents?

See Challenge As An Opportunity

Every challenge is an opportunity to show up and grow. There are always going to be challenges that come along your path. You get to choose how to react when you encounter them.

Every time an obstacle is thrown into your path, it’s an opportunity to grow.

Focus on what you can learn from what’s happening and understand that it’s impossible to control every aspect of your life.

Know that you deserve anything you want in life. You are capable and deserving of anything you want to achieve.

Believe in yourself and know it’s a possibility.

When you have confidence, things will work out, and you put in consistent effort, you will succeed.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to try going after our dreams. There will always be a reason for you to talk yourself out of going after your goals.

If you don’t try, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Even if it doesn’t work out like you wanted, you have the gift of knowledge. Use what you learn to find your next goal.

Keep trying until you land on the right fit for you.

What goal are you working on today?


Decide To Start Working On Your Dreams Today


Show Up, Listen and Embrace Opportunities To Create A Meaningful Life